Legal Information

Important legal information

Please read these terms and conditions carefully. By accessing this website, sub- sites and linked websites within the Charter Union finance you declare that you have understood and recognise the following application conditions and legal information related to this website (and the elements contained therein). If you do not agree to the following conditions, please refrain from accessing this site and the pages contained therein.

Data protection and the Internet

According to Art. 13 of the Swiss constitution and data protection legislation, every individual has a right to protection of their private sphere as well as protection against the misuse of their personal data. Charter Union finance (hereinafter referred to as “Charter Union finance”) complies with these regulations.

The Internet is an open network, accessible to everyone. Charter Union finance will do everything in its power to protect my data and my privacy. All confidential data transferred between my browser and the Charter Union finance web server are therefore encrypted (SSL, currently with 128-bit encryption, the WWW standard for browsers worldwide). It can happen that data are sent unencrypted by e-mail to the advisers for further personal processing. Please take note that in the case of transmitting unencrypted or insufficiently encrypted e-mails, confidentiality can not be completely guaranteed.

I have also noted and agree to the occasional use of cookies to help ensure that I receive information tailored to my needs. A cookie is a piece of information stored in my browser that enables the Charter Union finance web server to recognise my computer on subsequent visits to the company’s website. I have noted that my browser can be set to inform me when it receives cookies.

I have no objection to Charter Union finance occasionally sending me information about the company, its products and services to my postal and e-mail addresses. I also consent to my personal details being forwarded to other partners in the Charter Union finance, also abroad, for processing but that they will not be made available to other third parties (except authorised agents in the sense of Art. 47 of Swiss Banking Law).

Banking secrecy

I hereby acknowledge that my e-mail and/or application for financing will be sent via the Internet. By the very nature of the Internet, it is possible that these data will cross borders and be forwarded via servers abroad even if both sender and recipient are in Hong Kong. I therefore waive my right to Swiss banking secrecy during data transmission until it reaches Charter Union finance and accept the possibility of transfer via servers abroad.

No offer

The information published on the website of Charter Union finance does not represent any invitation, offer or recommendation to buy or sell a product, to perform a specific transaction or to engage in any other type of legal operation.


The Charter Union finance website addresses itself to individuals residing in Hong Kong or in the Principality of Asia as well as to legal persons in the world, partnerships and corporations domiciled in any Legal teritory in the world or in the Principality of Asia.

Real and intellectual property rights

All the elements on this website, unless otherwise specified, belong exclusively and in their entirety to the Charter Union finance(especially copyright and other rights). The elements are only freely usable for browsing purposes. If elements are reproduced wholly or partially in any form, electronic or in writing, express mention of the Charter Union finance is required. Apart from this, the publication of any part or parts of the site must first be approved by the Charter Union finance.

All contents, product name, signs and logos are registered trademarks of the Charter Union finance. No part of the site has been designed in such a way as to grant the right to use a picture, a registered trademark or a logo. Downloading or copying elements from the site gives you no rights whatsoever as regards the software or the elements on the site.

Disclaimer of guarantee or liability

Charter Union finance provides information and opinions whose accuracy it in no way guarantees. It declines all responsibility and can offer no guarantee that its site is fully functional, error-free or unaffected by viruses.

Furthermore, Charter Union finance cannot be made liable for damage (unless intentionally caused) that is incurred by accessing or using elements on the site. This also applies in cases where the individual is unable to access or use the site.


Charter Union finance has not examined the websites linked to the site and is not responsible for the content of other sites linked to its own. The use of links to other websites is entirely at the user’s own risk.

Access restrictions

Charter Union finance websites are not intended for use by persons subject to jurisdictions that forbid the publication of or access to Charter Union websites and links. Persons subject to such restrictions are not permitted to access the Charter Union website.

Venue and applicable law

For all disputes arising between users of this site and Charter Union finance as a result of operating or visiting the site, it is agreed that the exclusive venue is Unit 2302, 23/F, New World Tower 1, 18 Queen’s Road Central, Central, Hong Kong. Charter Union finance, however, is also at liberty to sue at the user’s place of residence/domicile. The applicable law is the law of Hong Kong.

Updated by The  Charter Union finance Legal Team on November 1, 2014

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